Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spirit Cologne

The goal of this project was to make an advertisement for a company named Spirit Cologne. My task was to make the advertisement playful, yet mature while reeling in people from the ages of 13-35. I cut out 2 other models and put them on either side of me. I then got a picture from the internet of cologne from the company, and I put their slogan on the top left with their logo mid-centered. 

Below are the pictures that I got from the internet. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Black and white

I was able to de-saturate this picture, and make my shirt turn back green. I did this by desaturating the image, and used the history brush to bring back the color in my shirt.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

High Pass Shot

This is another picture that I edited, which is my highpass shot. All I really did was make the colors of the NYC skyline look like I was actually there.

Sepia Shot

This shot was made by putting on 2 layer masks and messing with the color a little bit.

Focused Shot

This is my focused shot photo. In the background, I have the skyline of New York City blurred out, simply using a layer mask, feathering it, and putting black paint over my face.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I did many different things with the first (original) picture. I used many layers and layer masks for this project. I first made myself a little tanner by putting a light overlay of brown over my face. I then whitened my teeth, and took out a few wrinkles. The last thing I did was put in a liquefied filter and made it look like my face was softer.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Face Tone

As you can tell, the light that was used to take the picture is all over his face. All I had to do what use the healing brush again and cover up the bright parts of his face

Wrinkle Removal

I was able to fix her wrinkles by using the healing brush tool. It was a very easy process, and I only had to redo some things a couple times.

Teeth Whitening

Can you tell which one is whiter? All I had to do in this tut is use the dodge tool and change the blend to midtone. I then applied it to the teeth and even a little bit to the eyes.

Eye Makeup

I opened the photo, and put another layer on top changing the blending mode to color. I then used a soft brush and made it look like she applied the eye makeup.

Changing Hair Color

In order to put color on the hair and to make it look like it was dyed, I went into quick mask mode and painted over the hair, giving it a lighter opacity and making it look realistic.

Modifying The Nose

As you can tell, I did a little touching up on the nose by liquefying it and using the Pucker tool. This was a very simple one step project.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Content Aware Practice

The Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop

The content aware tool is probably my favorite tool in Photoshop. It makes your life so much easier when it comes to photo editing and needing to take out objects. It makes it less obvious that there were obstructions in the way of your picture.

Spot Healing Brush Practice

Image of acne on face. Image  82534531 licensed from Shutterstock by Photoshop

I was able to fix this girl's acne problem by using the spot healing brush. This brush is very easy to use, and takes no skill at all. You can fix any acne problem (on the computer) by using the spot healing brush. 

Clone Stamp Practice- Straight Leaning Tower of Pisa

I was able to make the leaning tower of Pisa straight, by simply using the clone stamp tool, and changing the slant of the clone. I changed it to 4 degrees to the right and it faces up straight perfectly. I also had to do some touching up on the people of the ground, but as you can see, it doesn't look like anything was wrong with the picture in the first place.

Clone Stamp- Old Trucks

This truck was cloned into a smaller truck by using the clone stamp. The clone stamp is a very easy tool to use, and I was able to transform it without any problems at all.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Grunge Portrait

This grunge portrait is a portrait of an old man, with literally many layer masks and blurs on it. I used about 7 layer masks, and even added a colored layer to it. The first picture is the original, and the second picture is the one that I edited.