Monday, April 7, 2014

Paperclip Company Advertisement

The paperclip company is a company that reaches out to businesses and professional organizations to try to lure them to buy paperclips.The slogan for the paperclip company is "Holding companies together since 1967", which is the year that this company was founded.

I would imagine this advertisement being in a magazine like "Money" or "Fortune", which are magazine companies that reach out to businesses too.

I know that big companies only care about one thing, which is money. Money here, money there. That's why I incorporated that into my advertisement. This ad is more of a "clever" ad if anything, due to the money being held together by a paperclip. This is how I made it.

1) I took a picture of a 20 dollar bill, along with other bills, being held together by a paperclip on a table.
2) I thought that it would be cool if the bills "illuminated" a little, and so what I did was I used the dodge tool to make the money brighter, and I also brightened up the paperclip part even more so that it would bring the eye to the paperclip.
3) I then used the burn tool and burned the background.
4) I put the logo on the bottom left, so people could recognize it in the future.
5) I put the website link on the bottom right, so that if someone didn't understand the ad, they would understand it after reading the website.
6) I put the slogan in the top center with Swis721 Th BT font, which is a thin font and more professional font.

And here it is.