Friday, December 6, 2013

Paperclip Company Packaging Pattern

Here is the pattern for the Paperclip Company Product packaging. It is showing what the company is selling (a.k.a, the paperclips). This was a very simple project for me to make for the company. The paperclips were made with the pen tool.

The Paperclip Company Logo

This is the Logo for my client, The Paperclip Company. The logo is very simplistic and I think that it is a great piece of work, with a "Punny" slogan. The colors go with each other, and all of the lines were made with the pen tool.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Generic Questionnaire

Branding and Identification Questionnaire
Please complete the information about the product you wish packaging Design to complete for you.  This questionnaire helps the designer better meet your needs.  Please answer in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. 
General company information: Company that makes paper clips of all sizes, colors, and strengths.
Company Name: The Paperclip Company (PCC)
Product Name: Paperclips

What type of product does your business offer? All types of paperclips for the size of any need.

Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? Companies that have office settings, which need paperclips.

How would you describe your services and/or products? We provide the best quality of paperclips, which are extra strong, with a wide variety of colors and themes.  

Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  (Provide links)
Our paperclips do more than just hold things together. It gives everything a theme to its project.
Office Max

Please provide general information about your business. (Location, years in business, employees etc) We are a business that is stationed in New York City, who have many stores all around the nation.

What is the idea behind the business name? Is there a unique story, if so please explain?
We like the idea of having an acronym for our business name.

What is the overall mood of the product?  Playful, Serious, Ultra-professional?
The overall mood is serious, and getting business done.

Logo information: (product)

Do you want an image logo (no text/or text under image: Example: Nike Swoosh) or TypeLogo (Ex: Coca-Cola)?
We would want it to say: PCC, with paperclips incorporated into it.

What is the overall message you wish to portray (look back at the company information you provided, playful etc.)?
That these are the best types of Dry erase markers, and that they are easy and simple to use/purchase.

What logos types do your think will appeal to your audience and why.  (provide links if you have styles you like)

I like the idea of a paperclip/pictures being incorporated into our logo.

Where will you be using the logo?  (Print, website, video media) Everywhere!

Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors? If yes, please list them below or attach a current image of existing logo or webpage.  
I like blue, showing that we provide all sorts of colors.
What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? Serious, Friendly, Steadfast, Loyal, Regal, etc. 

Do you envision something modern and trendy or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)?


Monday, November 18, 2013

Business Card

This is the business card that I made for my company, Forward. The design is simple and has a lower third on the front with all of my information.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween Poster

This project was a total disaster. I don't know how I did this, but I'm guessing I added an art brush after clicking, "Select All". Anyways, it's supposed to be a Halloween poster with my previous Halloween text effect.

Text Effect

This text effect used many different brushes and simple shapes. The lettering was very easy, and all I had to do was make an eclipse, add ovals to it, and put them in the shape of paws to add paws to the N and Y.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Personal Logo Creation

Creative Juice: I like this logo because I can find the creativity in this. You can easily see that they have a pencil, and also juice being portrayed in the picture. The font is simple, which is something good about the logo.
Growth Trading: Simplicity is again something that I have found in this design. I like the simple picture, and simple wording. The logo is actually showing the goal of this company, saying that they are wanting to grow. I would like my design to have an arrow incorporated into it somehow.
Mosleep: This logo is simple, different, and unique all in one. The thing I like the most about this design is how simple shapes were used to make the bed image in this picture. I don’t really know what the company does, but I do know that it does involve sleep, and a lot of people like sleep. It would be cool if I could figure out a way to make my logo like this one, in a way where all I would have to do for a picture is to use simple shapes. 

 Design Nerd: I like this logo because it isn’t too simple, yet not too complicated. It obviously seems like it is run by a room full of women, so the logo itself is pretty impressive.
Caroline Murphy Design: This design company I like, because of the modern color. The color seems very modern and it looks like a logo that you would see on a fancy shiny building because it looks professional! I don’t know what this company does but I do know that they are probably full of professionalism.
Spears Design: Simplicity is what makes this logo great. The boldness in “Spears” and the thin stroke in “Design” evens out all of the strokes. I think simplicity is the most important part of this design.

The name of my graphic design company will be named:


Personal Logo Questions

Branding and Identification Questionnaire:   Personal Graphic Design Company
General company information:
*Company Name (Fill this in): FORWARD
What product or service does your business offer?   Graphic Design; Illustration for various companies and products.
Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? (Fill this in) Business owners who are trying to get a new design to help move their business forward. Or anybody wanting a sick and awesome logo/design!
How would you describe your services and/or products? Logos, Websites, Printed design, t-shirts, etc.
Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  Other graphic designers.  
Please provide general information about your business. Forward is a business that is helping other businesses and business owners who are starting their company move forward. We have a large business, that has design studios ranging from New York City to Los Angeles California.

What is the overall mood of the company?  Serious about creating a good product, but open to creative input.

Logo information:   
Our logo will be used in print, on website, video media
(keep this in mind) SIMPLE, MEMORABLE, SCALEABLE

Fill in ALL questions below
If you want your company name to appear in the logo, what is the exact name as you would like it to appear in your logo?
What is the overall message you wish to portray (serious, playful, etc.)?
The overall message I am wanting is to portray is our professionalism.  
If you are wanting something to move forward (business, organization, event), we can make the design that will meet your needs to make anything happen. 

Do you have any color preferences?
I hate the color yellow. The logo will probably be a silver color. Oh ya, and no yellow.  
What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it?
I want an arrow to go off the “d” in the word Forward., in my logo. I want it to make an impression that we move forward to reach our goals, to help you.
Do you envision something techy (squarish, modern) or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)?
This logo will be a more modern logo. It will be unique, yet simple.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Logo Creation

This logo design was actually very simple. The only tools I really only had to use (besides the blur and eclipse too) was the direct selection tool and the scissors tool. I pretty much cut anchors from the circle and moved them all around.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Text Effect

This text effect used many different colors on top of text.

Water Pollution

This is a poster promoting to help with water pollution. I used the water drop from a previous lesson to make this poster.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Reflection of the first 6 weeks

Last 6 weeks, we learned about many things in the program, Adobe Illustrator. We learned about everything from glyphs, to opacity, to shapes. The first project we did in the program was when we made a basketball player out of shapes. The shapes were simple (circle, rectangles, etc.), and we changed the colors and organized them to create the shape of a basketball player. Another one of the many projects we have done is we made a water drop. During the water drop project, we spent a lot of time using the pathfinder tool, and “sending it to back.” The water drop project was probably my favorite project, because the end result looked really cool.

My favorite type of art is probably typography. Typography is art with just words. One of the things I made was Mike Wazowski, the green guy from Monster’s Inc., and I made him all out of letters from a certain font. Using the Alt key was very helpful during this project, because it let me copy and paste these from a pool of letters, without having to right click or anything fancy like that. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Color Theory Worksheet

Tommy Kersten

  1. Define hue: Hue is what distinguishes one color from another
  2. Define value: Value is the lightness or darkness of a color is value.
  3. Define saturation: Saturation is the brightness of a color.
  4. How many colors are available on our computers?
  5. Define secondary color: Secondary colors are 2 colors that are mixed together.
  6. Define tertiary color: A tertiary color is a primary color mixed with a secondary color.
  7. Define complementary colors: Complementary colors are 2 colors which sit opposite from each other on the color wheel
  8. What are the primary colors in Photoshop? Red, Green, and Blue are the primary colors in photoshop
  9. What are the secondary colors in Photoshop? Cyan, magenta, and yellow are the secondary colors in photoshop
  10. Define subtractive color model: When you mix all of the primary colors (In Photoshop), you will get black.
  11. Define additive color model: When you mix red, green, and blue, you get pure white light.
  12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? RGB is an additive color model
  13. Is CMYK additive or subtractive? CMYK is a subtractive model.
  14. What is the RGB color model used for?
  15. What is the CMYK color model used for? CMYK is used for photoshop.
  16. Define analogous colors: Analogous colors are colors that are right by each other on the color wheel.
  17. Define tint: Tint is a color in which white was added to the color.
  18. Define shade: Shade is a color in which black has been added to it to darken the tint
  19. Define neutral: More natural colors that tend to be brownish.
  20. What can be said in general about warm colors? Warm colors visually tend to jump forward into prominence n a piece of design.
  21. What can be said in general about cool colors? These colors tend to reduce in design.
  22. What color is associated with stability? Blue is a color that symbolizes stability.
  23. What color symbolizes royalty? Purple is a color that symbolizes royalty
  24. What is the color of cleanliness?
  25. What color symbolizes freshness?
  26. Which colors are associated with joy?
  27. What color symbolizes passion and danger?
  28. Dark red is associated with: Dark read is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, and wrath
  29. Reddish-brown is associated with: Reddish brown is associated with harvest and fall.
  30. Dark orange is associated with: Dark orange can be associated with deceit and distrust.
  31. Gold is associated with: Gold evokes the feeling of prestige.
  32. Yellow is associated with: Yellow is associated with joy, happiness, and energy.
  33. Dark green is associated with: Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy.
  34. Olive green is associated with: Olive green is the traditional color of peace.
  35. Light blue is associated with: Light blue is associated with health and healing.
  36.  Dark purple is associated with: Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings.
  37. Why is the use of color important in graphic Design? The use of color in graphic design is important because without it, it is just too bland. 

Lyrical Typography

I used the chorus of the song, "We are Young" by the band, Fun. As you can tell, I had the colors go from darker to brighter going down the words, to end with a really bright "SUN".

The lyrics can be found here:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Word Art

My word that I chose was the word, "Falling." The letters in the picture are representing "falling" because they have fell to the ground. Some of the letters are also getting ready to fall off the word and hit the bottom. 

Typography Quote

This quote is supposed to be described by the way that the font is, and the way that it is all positioned. The "unknown" word is shaped as a question mark, and art and earth look like what they actually are (Earth being kind of rough-looking and Art looking like it was painted with a paintbrush)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Glyph Monster

Mike Wazowski, from Monster's Inc., is made entirely out of glyphs. It was really nice being able to use the Alt. tool so I could move letters, and it would move it and leave a replacement letter from where I took it. It was hard to actually start this project because it was very overwhelming to think that I had to make a monster out of glyphs. At the end though, it seemed very easy!

Monday, September 23, 2013


This typography lesson was teaching me how to make letters look different. It taught me how to basically make the letters into shapes, and then move the shapes around. It teaches you that normal letters can be used differently in many ways.

Typography Worksheet

Label and define all of the above numbers:
1. The ascender line is the imaginary line which determines the height of ascenders.
2. The base line is the imaginary line on which all characters rest. Descenders hang below the base line.
3. The ascender height is the x-height plus the height of the ascending stroke. It the distance between the base line and the ascender line.
4. The cap height is the height of capital letters. It is the distance bewteen the base line and the cap line.
5. The descender is the stroke of a letter which dips below the base line, as in the letters g and j.
6. The ascender is the stroke of a letter which rises above the mean line, as in the letters d, f and k.
7. The x-height is the distance between the flat top and bottom of a lower case letter which has no ascender or descender, such as x. It is the distance between the base line and the mean line. The curved tops and bottoms of the p, o, and g extend beyond these lines so that they appear visually to fit the x-height.
8. The cap line is the imaginary line which determines the height of capital letters.
9. The mean line is the imaginary line which determines the height of lowercase letters. Ascenders rise above the mean line.
10.The descender line is the imaginary line which defines the bottom reach of descenders.

Define Serif: Serif is the fine line that extends from the top and bottom of letters making them easier to read, used for the body text of a book.
Define Sans-Serif: A typeface that is straight with no serifs or small extensions on letter; geterally used for headers.
When do you use Antique Fonts? Antique fonts can be used to evoke a period feel.
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? No more than 3 words at a time.
What does a script font resemble? Script fonts resemble handwriting.
Why use Symbol Fonts? Symbol fonts are composed of graphic icons to provide embellishments to text. These are sometimes created to complement a specific font.

Define Typography: The art and process of arranging type for a variety of media purposes and is made up of several parts.
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? By understanding the underlying message that your choiceof text contains, you will become more effective as you design and layout projects containing words and phrases.
Kerning: Kerning is the space located between individual letters of a word.
Leading: Leading is the space between the lines of text.
Tracking: I didn’t find anything for this word.

When do you use Center Alignment? You use center alignment when you want to draw attention and is used a majority of the time for Headlines or titles.
When do you use Right Alignment? Clean, crisp professional look and is used quite a bit for corporate business letters, return address labels, business cards and a variety of other applications.
When do you use Justified Alignment?  Usually for newspaper print or body text for textbooks would you need to use justified alignment.
What is remembered, good styling, and bad styling?   Why? People usually forget bad typography, because they realize that something bad is wrong with it. When  you do a good job, people don’t notice anything because there is nothing wrong with it.
What is legibility? Legibility is how well you can read the text.
Type size smaller than 7pt is: Hello
Type size smaller than 3pts is: Hello
Type range for legible type is: Between 9-10 pt font.
What size do you use for long passages? 8-14
What case do we use for Body? We use uppercase and lowercase for the body
What is measure? Measure is the width of text in the column.
What can you tell me about Ranged/Ragged Edges? When text is aligned to one margin.
What are some ways text can be used as images? Summarize what you see.
When you are wanting to make certain images out of your letters, or if you are wanting to make certain letters out of smaller words that you use.

Choosing and Using Type:
**Read ALL of it.  Answer the following: **
Why is choosing and using the right font important?  Give YOUR opinion. It is important because if you chose the wrong font, it could totally ruin the whole idea of your project.
What are the two most important things to remember?   Type is on the page to serve the text. It should make the words easy to read and provide a suitable background. Type should not overpower the text. Also, you need to know that there are no good and bad typefaces, there are just appropriate and inappropriate typefaces. Think about your reader and the feeling you want to convey, then choose a typeface that fits. 
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider? If it matches what you are trying to advertise or say, go for it. You have to consider that you could look to boring if you are working for a party store, or you could seem to exciting and unprofessional if you are trying to write a formal paper.

  1. Body text should be between 10 and 12 point, with 11 point best for printing to 300 dot-per-inch printers. Use the same typeface, typesize, and leading for all your body copy.
  2. Use enough leading (or line-spacing). Always add at least 1 or 2 points to the type size. Example: If you're using 10 point type, use 12 point leading. Automatic line height will do this for you--never use less than this or your text will be cramped and hard to read.
  3. Don't make your lines too short or too long. Optimum size: Over 30 characters and under 70 characters.
  4. Make paragraph beginnings clear. Use either an indent or block style for paragraphs. Don't use both. Don't use neither, either.
  5. Use only one space after a period, not two.
  6. Don't justify text unless you have to. If you justify text you must use hyphenation.
  7. Don't underline anything, especially not headlines or subheads since lines separate them from the text with which they belong.
  8. Use italics instead of underlines.
  9. Don't set long blocks of text in italics, bold, or all caps because they're harder to read.
  10. Leave more space above headlines and subheads than below them, and avoid setting them in all caps. Use subheads liberally to help readers find what they're looking for.

Flower Bouquet

This Flower bouquet was made using many different effects. Dropshadows, curved lines, and other things were used to make this effect. The opacity mask was also used to make the center yellow circle look how it looks. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dirty Water Drop

This assignment consisted of many tools. Unlike the last project, we used more than just simple shapes. I was able to create many 3D effects with many 2D shapes, which is really cool. The different shades of color also helped make the 3D effect look more real. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pen Practice

I practiced with the pen tool on gray lines using red pen color. I was able to trace the lines almost perfectly. I put the stoke at 4 points, and had no fill with a red outline. This was a very frustrating assignment to do.

Simple Shapes

This basketball player was made out of simple shapes from Adobe Illustrator. There was no copying or pasting any of his body from any other picture. All of his body parts are made out of shapes. The shape tools, knife, shape builder, and many other effects were used to create the boy. The hair was made from a spiral, with a light brown background around it, cutting out the extra parts and making the curls of the hair. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Elements Of Design

Line: Linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge created when two shapes meet. 
Value: Lightness or darkness of a color
Texture: The surface quality of a shape

Mass/Volume: Size is the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another
Space: The amount of space either taken or not taken up from the picture.

Color: A form of a primary color on the design. 

Motion: When it looks like something is moving. 

Typography: The use of letters and words in a design

external image initial.jpg